Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Russia’s Crimean Peninsula could be next, warns scientist

Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Russia’s Crimean Peninsula could be next, warns scientist
World Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Russia’s Crimean Peninsula could be next, warns scientist Turkey and Syria were devastated, with the death toll having gone past 11,000 Umang Sharma February 08, 2023 19:33:45 IST Rescue operations underway in Turkey. AFP. Moscow: Russia may suffer an earthquake of intensity similar to Turkey and Syria — 7.
8 magnitude — soon, a scientist has warned. Turkey and Syria were devastated, with the death toll having gone past 11,000. A scientist from the Russian Academy of Sciences warned that the Crimean Peninsula in south-western Russia could one day witness a massive quake comparable to the Turkey and Syria temblors on Monday.
Crimea could be next Turkey In an interview to Russian news outlet RIA Novosti, the scientist, Aleksandr Gorshkov said: “Crimea belongs to the Alpine-Himalayan belt, the same structure as Turkey and a repeat of such an event is possible in Crimea in principle. ” Warning: Viewers discretion advised Turkish Volunteers rescued a two-month-old girl buried under the debris due to the earthquake three days ago. #TurkeyEarthquake #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #TurkeyQuake pic.
twitter. com/Xle6fgdcUA — Sadam Bajeer (@shbajeer) February 8, 2023 Though there have been several minor earthquakes in Crimean Peninsula, including two in January 2021 of magnitude, the most powerful quake recorded in the recent history took place in 1927. Also Read: ‘Save me, I will be your servant’: Under rubble for 17 hrs, 7-yr-old Syrian girl saves brother - WATCH Turkey, Syria earthquake For two days and nights since 7.
8 magnitude quake, searchers continue to battle biting cold and find those still alive under flattened buildings on either side of the border. The earthquake killed over 11,200 people in both the countries. Must Read: Turkey calls India ‘dost’, envoy to India says ‘friend in need, a friend indeed’ Officials and medics said 8,574 people had died in Turkey and 2,662 in Syria from Monday, bringing the total to 11,236.
They added that the toll could double if the worst fears of experts are realised. Warning: Viewers discretion advised The one who saved the life of a human is as if he saved the life of the entire humanity (al Quran) ❤️❤️ #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #Turkey #TurkeyEarthquake pic. twitter.
com/wKt0i7P91l — M Qasim siddique ???????? (@mqasim_siddique) February 8, 2023 Emergency workers on Wednesday rescued a few children found under a collapsed building in the badly-affected Turkish province of Hatay, where the entire stretches of towns have been levelled. The Turkey-Syria border is one of the world's most active earthquake zones. Don't Miss: Turkey, Syria earthquake: How severe weather conditions are hampering rescue efforts The powerful earthquake on Monday was the largest Turkey has seen since 1939, when 33,000 people died in the eastern Erzincan province.
In 1999, a 7. 4 magnitude earthquake killed more than 17,000. Read all the Latest News , Trending News , Cricket News , Bollywood News , India News and Entertainment News here.
Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram . Updated Date: February 08, 2023 19:33:45 IST TAGS: Crimean Peninsula Russia Syria Earthquake Turkey Earthquake.